Lucky Llama Coffee House Design

We were doing a site visit for a upcoming restaurant design project in Carpinteria which is just south of Santa Barbara and it was lunch time. It was a pretty hot day so we headed over to another project of ours that was completed a few years ago, Lucky Llama Coffee for an acai bowl and an iced coffee. We sat on the deck under the worlds largest Torrey Pine Tree and talked about Carpinteria, it’s opportunities and challenges as the city grows. How can a city maintain it’s charm and authenticity in the face of the tourist onslaught and drive to be bigger and better? We decided that locally owned and operated businesses like this one will help to maintain the character that brings people to Carpinteria, so please support your local shops and stores!

lucky llama concept

lucky llama concept

luck llama exterior

How it turned out

lucky llama before

lucky llama before

Like what we do?

Give us a call and let us show you what we can do for you!
